World hunger in 2014? Why?

World hunger in 2014? Why? (Written by Shabs Ash – 2014) 

I never quite understood. Why are people in the western or developed world dying from the over consumption of food or obesity related diseases? Contrastingly we have about 25,000 people die EVERY DAY of hunger or hunger-related causes (United Nations). Women and young children are most affected.

This is a clear sign of the inequality and injustice that exists in our world today and frankly is unacceptable. There is enough food globally to feed everyone without having this imbalance.

We can end world hunger in our lifetime

If we listen closely to our hearts, we know something is fundamentally not right here. Humanity collectively needs to come together and take action to correct this imbalance. WE CAN DO IT. We can all make an impact to eradicate or severely minimize world hunger in our life time.

It is our human duty to not tolerate such suffering to continue for another human being. That is why I ask myself ‘World hunger in 2014? Why?

Has humanity become so desensitised to this atrocity as merely a fact of life when it need not be? The truth is we all suffer in the end when another human is suffering.

World hunger effects us all

Many of us don’t have to see the suffering caused by extreme hunger in our everyday lives. This does not mean ‘out of sight out of mind’. Let’s not forget that hunger also exists among us in the developed world. All you have to do is look at any big city and the number of homeless scouring for food. Far less visible is hunger that can exist next door to us but we are not aware of it. This makes hunger a global problem with varying levels of extremity and visibility.

We have come far technologically, socially and economically but have failed to meet basic food needs for our planet. Instead of pouring the world’s resources into wars or other unnecessary expenditure, why not make better use of our money? Let’s not use politicians, officials or other external factors as excuses any more. The truth is we all have the power to change things if we really want to!

world hunger why

How can we end world hunger?

I think there is a deeper underlying problem that effects us all, even those of us who have enough food. The suffering continues albeit in a different way. For example, unfair wages or how many of us are in jobs just to survive and make ends meet. We did not come to this planet to struggle every day for our basic right for food and shelter. Why not make better use of our time by using our gifts to put the world’s resources to optimal use? Everyone would be so much happier and the world would be a more peaceful place. The accomplishments and advancements we could all achieve as a collective are limitless.

It is time to wake up by educating and informing ourselves of what is truly going on in our world. It impacts us all. Whether its environmental destruction, the failing economic system or criminal wars – don’t take anything at face value. We must dig deeper to see through the lies that corporations and governments tell us. We are intelligent and have the skills and resources to generate genius solutions to the challenges our world faces today. If only for the sake of our children, future generations and the survival of our planet.

Video Interview with Ray Buchanan – Stop Hunger Now

In this video Interview I discuss with Ray: ‘Why is world hunger a problem? ‘How to solve world hunger?’ ‘What are the causes of world hunger?’. Please note, I recorded this interview in 2014 – since then Ray has re-named his website to:

We can all make a difference, and end hunger in our lifetime, if we really want to! The question is; ‘What do we really want’? Feel free to share and spread the message!