
Shabs has been helping me with ghostwriting and research. I enjoy working with her - straight talk, no ambiguities & things get done. Her travels, open-mindedness, and educational and professional backgrounds make her a great communicator!
Ladislas Maurice - The Wandering Investor  https://thewanderinginvestor.com/ -  Global 
Having worked with Shabs since 2015 has been a pleasure. She is professional and made a significant difference in our professional and personal life. She gladly stepped in where we needed her support, research skills, and knowledge, and got the work done accurately and on time. She is always up for any task given to her, and if she doesn't know the answer, she will find it.
MB - 
Santa Barbara Pix  - https://santabarbarapix.com/ -  Santa Barbara, CA - May 2021
Shabs is super to work with. We were snowed under and Shabs helped with Account Management and handling client work flow. She is absolutely amazing with clients - very skilled and eloquent!! An asset to any company. She also helped me write and design some training material for staff members and a blogging course. Thanks Shabs, you are a life saver!
Fernando Raymond - ClickDo (Pvt) Ltd. https://www.clickdo.co.uk/ - London, UK - April 2022